Monday, October 16, 2006

Become aware off and change your beliefs...and change your reality.

As a Sales Trainer and Personal Coach / Executive Coach I meet with a lot of people. After a training or coaching session many of them are very motivated to commit to making a change. If you have ever been in any type of training or coaching yourself you probably have had a similar experience. Only to find out after a while that really nothing has changed. In my view the problem here is that from the outside the motivation was there to make the change, rationally you have committed to the change, but the emotions and feelings weren't aligned. The biggest inspirators for change, emotions, were not in line with what you mentally, consciously wanted to achieve.

For some reason often we feel ready to initiate change and transformation yet time and time again we get distracted, scared, or just don't follow through. We may commit to the change, we may even take the first steps ... and then we stop.

Think about many times have you DECIDED to change in a major way in some important area of your re-design your beliefs, thoughts and behaviors, and then found yourself right back where you started?

Know this, within each of us exists an amazing potential to completely transform our lives.

One of the most important forces to help us drive the change, follow through, is the way we look at life. The way we choose to experience life. And I am not talking about positive thinking here. Because thinking alone doesn't make the change happen, although it is a major starting point.

It all comes down to beliefs. What are the magic rules that you live your life by?

Until we transform our inner world (our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, emotions) we will not be able to change our behavior in a massive way (our actions) and the outer world will stay more or less the same.

Some people can make the change on their own ones they know how to do it.

For most people, it takes some sort of support and accountability that working with a coach brings them.

This is where in my beliefs personal and executive coaching fit in to really get an understanding of your own beliefs and how they might interfere with your behavior..

If you are ready to transform in both your consciousness and your behavior (both of which are necessary ingredients in our transformational processes) I would love for you to have a look at my coaching offerings.

Personal Coaching or Executive Coaching will help you create accountability for the new commitments you will make and give you the time, space, encouragement, and support that will assist you in co-creating a new way of being, seeing and doing.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Telecoaching - Coaching by Phone

As a new offering I have started to offer telecoaching, or coaching by phone. Specifically to support the Quota Achievement Plan I am scheduling the friday as my telecoaching day. In time slots of 30, 45, 60 or 90 minutes I will support my clients on very different topics, both personal coaching and executive coaching.